IES process - workflow


IES develops a manual and guidelines for the practical implementation of the adapted process for ensuring interoperability in the energy sector as well as a software tool for interoperability testing.

The process is structured in the four basic steps shown in the Figure, which split up into many intermediate steps and recursions presented in the IES cookbook.

IES (Integrating the Energy System) has developed a methodology for the energy sector that uses a transparent and process to define standardized interfaces for IT systems. © Tim Nebel


1. Identify Use Cases where interoperability is an issue and specify these by identifying system borders and requirements.

  1. Assign an interoperability issue to a domain (identify where the issue belongs to)
  2. Write a Business Overview (define actors, the environment and the general issue)
  3. Describe Business Functions (use the Use Case Method and UML use case diagrams)
  4. Reuse Integration Profiles where possible (save specification and test effort)

2. Jointly identify how interoperability issues can be prevented and specify the requirements normatively as Integration Profi

  1. Evaluate which standards can be used to fulfil the Use Case requirements
  2. Specify the process to realise a Business Function (UML sequence diagram)
  3. Define the actors and transactions (decompose Meta-Actors into modules)
  4. Draw an Actors-Transactions Diagram (visualise interaction)
  5. Specify additional communication and security requirements

3. Test independent prototype solutions against each other on annual plugfest and iteratively improve the Integration Profi

  1. Specify test cases and test sequences according to Integration Profile specification
  2. Add test cases, procedures, description and criteria to test environment (Gazelle)
  3. Create and integrate/implement conformity validation tools (e.g., Schematron)
  4. Execute test cases with at least two independent peer vendors
  5. Validate recorded messages/traces and log evaluated test results (impartial monitor)

4. Publish interoperability test results for each participant/vendor.

  1. Publish which vendors successfully tested an Integration Profile (Results Browser)
  2. Get written approval of interoperable implementation (Integration Statements)