Technical Framework


IES develops integration profiles including specifications for a normalised use of established standards. Integration profiles are compiled into detailed implementation guides called 'Technical Frameworks'.


The structure of a Technical Framework is predefined as shown in the figure below. It follows a top-down approach in accordance with the IEC 62559 Use Case Methodology, the European Smart Grid Architecture Model, the IHE Global Standards and the V-model.

  • A Technical Framework is dedicated to a Business Case, e.g. the operation of a Virtual Power Plant (VPP). The business case belongs to a Domain Overview - in the case of the VPP the electrical energy production, distribution, regulation and market area.
  • The Business Overview describes systems environment, possible variants and functional requirement. In case of the VPP, the structure, possible archetypes and its operational objectives are described to enable the specification of functional requirements
  • The next level of detail is called Business Function and identifies the functionalities required to perform the Business Case. For a remote controlled VPP, functions such as establishing a VPP, sending planned schedules, providing measurement values etc. are specified
  • Integration Proles specifiy normatively how certain features shall be implemented, and provide informative implementation examples. Multiple features, e.g. operational, technical and security requirements may be specified within one Integration Profile or in separately.



Fig.: Technical Framework - Document Structure


Technical Framework: Template

Prototype of a specified Technical Framework: Virtual Power Plant (VPP)